A committee of volunteers oversees the management and administration of the home. Our Registered Manager is then responsible for day to day running and management and is supported by administrators.
Our care team are competently trained in all aspect of providing care. Every person is special and unique and everyone has different needs and requirements. We like to accommodate this wherever possible and our care is person-centred. We like our residents to retain a feeling of control over how they live and they are always involved in decisions about their care.
We work hard to provide an atmosphere where our residents feel safe, comfortable and well looked after.
We are aware of the importance of helping residents to maintain as high level of independence as possible. Where privacy is requested, it will be provided; where companionship is needed it will be available when possible.

All of our meals are home cooked and we take individual needs and preferences into account. The caring team provide a wholesome, balanced diet and a varied menu. We believe that mealtimes are not just for eating, and residents are able to enjoy social time in our dining room.
We employ a Training Manager who ensures that staff are continually undertaking the required training for their role.

Activities and Entertainment
Whether you are fond of bowls, bingo, music, quizzes, darts, gentle exercise or simply having a chat, we have a wide range of activities on offer, all overseen by our Activities Co-ordinator, who is a member of staff. Many of our residents enjoy helping our Gardener too. When possible, we are visited by animal companions and we are lucky to also have Woody the Cocker Spaniel, who joins us on some days of the week. Residents are able to buy toiletries and confectionery from a weekly trolley.
We welcome people from all faiths and hold a Communion Services at the home. We celebrate religious events such as Christmas and Easter.
Our Housekeeping team are on hand to wash, press and deliver laundry back to residents, along with keeping the home clean and hygienic.